
Home Is Where A Lot of Things Are

Trying to eat healthier. Don't know if  it will last though.... :)

You always need a good cuppa  ;)

So, my laptop is finally hooked up to the good ol' internet in my flat and it feels good.

Although I moved into this place mid-October, it is only now that this place feels a bit like home. I am so used to living in flats for no more than a year and then moving onto the next place due to life as a student so it is taking a while for it to sink in that I have "moved out" of my parents house.

But do we really ever?

Most of my important mail still gets sent to my parents' house. And I have purposefully left the majority of my belongings in my room so they don't get any ideas to convert my room into a personal gym or something lol. But I must say, something as "trivial" as finding my first 'Big Girl' flat was as liberating as it was scary. 

It was a lot of fun thinking about colour schemes, and all the cooking and baking I will finally get to do. Granted, there is still a lot of stuff that needs to be done but that is the fun thing about moving into your first proper flat. You get to fill it with things that are "so you", and make a lot of memories that will stick with you for a lifetime.

So, now that I have done this a couple of times I feel like I could share a few tips about flat/house hunting if you want... 

As I am no longer a student I have resorted to finding crafty ways of saving money doing the things I love. For example, tonight I will be going to see Thor 2 with my sister and flatmate for the midnight showing. Why? Because the tickets are cheaper. I don't have the luxury of waving my student card anymore :(
I mean, I know I have a job but a girl's gotta save somehow. The flat deposit, 1st month's rent and house shopping kinda damaged my savings account :/

Till next time!

Luv, Mo xx
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