

The Amazing Spiderman.jpeg

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Um.... wow!

Definitely has to be my favourite movie from 2012. I mean, I had no idea what to expect as I was confused with there being a new face for Spider-Man; thought that they might be taking a Doctor Who spin on the character Peter Parker. So, I decided to watch  Sam Raimi's take on  Spider-Man starring Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker to refresh my memory. But I got distracted by my Batman dvds and ended up watching all of the Batman movies starring Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne instead hehe.

I must state that I am clearly not a comic fanatic and always mix up DC comic characters with those of Marvel's but I will get there eventually :)

Back to the movie... 

Now, this post may seem a little late seeing as it came out in July 2012 I think but, I only watched it on Christmas day....three times in a row. That's how much I loved it. I kept on missing things because I was distracted by a million other things that were happening throughout the movie lol. Truth be told, I only decided to watch it because I absolutely adore Andrew Garfield (Never Let Me Go) and Emma Stone (Easy A). I have watched a bunch, if not all, of the films they've done but those are my favourite. I heard that the director of The Amazing Spider-Man was Marc Webb ( 500 Days of Summer) and thought that it must be good as his surname alone was like... a sign hehe.

And boy was I right! It is sooo good. The special effects, to me, were not over powering at all. I hate it when all you really take away from a movie is how good the special effects were. I want the story-line to to have the same effect on me as a black hole would.

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Peter Parker was unbelievably loveable, funny and had an ability to worm his way into your heart with ease. His brings a certain vulnerability to the character which draws you further into the story being told. My favourite scene has to be when we hear his attempt at chatting up girls. Oh my days!

*shaking my head* 

*covering face in shame*

It was too hilarious and cringey at the same time lol. Gwen Stacy was brilliant, I thought but then again, I have no prior knowledge of her character as this was the first time I was hearing about her. So, I cannot say if they stayed true to her character or not but what I do know is there has been apparently several adaptations to Peter's story so I am not too bothered :) Their chemistry was really good me thinks but, then again, I could be seen to be biased as I love their work.

I just loved how we got to see a bit more about Peter's past in this movie and his time as a teenager. The moments when he realised his new found abilities had me in stitches haha! The toothpaste! His reactions! He really did look like someone who had just gotten up out of bed and thought he must still be dreaming which was brilliant. Most characters look like they stumbled out of a photoshoot when they wake up from sleep lol. I also loved the web gadget addition as well staying true to the original comic. It made Peter even more sexy as I do love a guy who is tech savvy ;) It definitely made me want to revise that much harder haha.

I eventually got through the 1st Spider-Man movie with Tobey and it was really hard to compare the two Peters. They are completely different which is great! The villain in The Amazing Spider-Man is The Lizard a.k.a Dr Connors. I really sympathised with this villain oddly enough. His story seemed so sad. Having never read the comics, I really want to know more about his connection to Peter's father and what role he may have played in the circumstances surrounding his death. I want to know more about the past!

Apart from all of that, I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone- young, old, boy or girl. It makes you laugh, cry, sit on the edge of your seat with your mouth slightly open causing a little drool to escape from your lips :D

Till next time!

Luv, Mo
