Soulful Sunday: Love Others Confidently
So, Mona and I made our way to church this morning and we are truly glad we did.
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Today, the topic of discussion was:
'Love Others Confidently'
It was delivered by a lovely married couple who decided to truly focus on God's love about 2 years ago as they wanted to truly experience His passionate love. You could really see how much they love each other. T'was very inspiring. It was still along the same theme as my Soulful Sunday: Loved Lovers Loving Others post. But to be honest, I love this series. It is a nice reminder of the mindset that we should be adopting.
So, onto the message they delivered:
1 John 4:19
In order to love people confidently and in the manner in which we should, we need to first know that we are loved and learn to love ourselves just as we are; not trying to become someone else. God wants us to feel His love all the time.
Psalm 149
A way that we can do this is seeking His presence constantly so that our hearts are connected to Him continually. That way, He is able to download His unconditional love into us which we will readily receive and will radically transform our hearts and interactions with others. We also need to remember that He created each one of us perfectly. We are His masterpiece. He created us for a purpose with gifts and talents that are unique to us. He knows who we are and who we are capable of becoming. By seeking His presence, we will be able to believe how much He loves us and live in the reality of His love. This way, as we freely receive from Him so shall we learn to freely give to others. By learning to see ourselves through His eyes we will be able to realise our full potential.
Matthew 22:29; Romans 8:31-39; John 15:9
Some of the key things we need to remember is that God is for us (Romans 8:31) and not against us. He is rooting for us always and has equipped us with all we need to complete whatever journey we are on. We need to remember that God loves to the extreme and does not turn up in your life to accuse or condemn you. And lastly, we need to comprehend the fact that nothing we could ever think, say or do, as well as anything that has happened to us, will ever cause Him to remove Himself from our lives.
But, the one statement that really rang home to me was this one:
We need to love people until they ask why...
Till next time!
Luv, Mo xx