
The Sweet Temptations of Independence

In my short time on earth I have discovered that there a various stages of independence.

By the tender age of 15 I got my first real taste of independence. Although the boarding school I attended was surrounded by grassland and was situated in a place that had more sheep than people, I was still living away from home and "fending" for myself. Yes, I still had a matron giving me wake up calls, checking I was in my room for prep and wishing me sweet dreams when it was time for 'Lights Out' but I was basically independent...

Quite an artistic shot of me,no? 

Fast-forward two years and I stepped foot into the hallowed town of Manchester, the place I'd call home for the next 4 years, for the first time. Living with hundreds of people I had never met before did not seem as daunting as it might have been had I still lived at home during my A-levels. Let's just say my taste of freedom was heightened. I could decide to go to classes or not, I was in charge of what I poisoned my body with, I wore what I wanted, I went out whenever I wanted and not have to give detailed descriptions of my whereabouts. I answered to basically no one...
A random halloween outfit in my 2nd year...Like I said, I am in charge of how I showcase myself to the world ;)

Last week Wednesday I graduated form the University of Manchester as a Chemical Engineer. I now have letters at the end of my name!! The kind of independence you have as a graduate is an even better kind. It is here that you are free to do what you want...well, as long as you have a plan to clear all your debts. You have fulfilled all obligations you have to your parents and country. You are a free (wo)man! 

Whitworth Hall- situated in the oldest part of the University

Me and my mother

Asmia and I after we had graduated

With Reni (Lilac Tinted Views- blogger alert! :D) and Tomi

Asima and I laughing at the fact that no one could capture us throwing our caps in the air #ShutterSpeedTingz

But sadly, you can only feel this freedom when you are one of the fortunate ones who have secured a job, be it one that you love or hate. You have the chance to select the first flat/house you will live in as graduate, the car you will drive to work, the new wardrobe that screams "I am a responsible and sophisticated adult" and know what a healthy bank account feels like. You are your own person. To those of you that are in this category- CONGRATULATIONS!


For those of us that graduated, cried as we packed up 4 years of our lives in boxes to be taken home, moved back into your parents' hoouse only to be "stifled" by their rules- CONGRATULATIONS!


We will get a job, our flat/house, car, new wardrobe, a healthy bank account and more soon! We will be able to wear our freedom dress and party all night long be it n a club/bar or in the comfort of our new graduate pad. Just keep the faith for our time will come. Until then, clean out your room that is haunted by the ghost of your teenage self and make room for the new and improved you. Make lists, charts, long distance phone calls etc. Don't sink into depressive  mode but rather be proactive and make tracks to make your dreams a reality!

Till next time!

Luv, Mo xx