

Who can say no to a movie with Channing Tatum, Maggie Gyllenhaal , Jamie Foxx and Joey King in it?


Although this movie may not be the best movie of the year in my books or make it to my top 5 movies of 2013, I still did enjoy it.

White House Down is about the sacrifices people make to serve their country and how far they will go to protect what they love the most. There a few great quips that almost all the characters had that brought a bit of humour to the film as well as a couple of life lessons that were to be learned. For example- the media apparently cannot be trusted with sensitive information.

For this movie, Channing Tatum (Step UpThe Vow21 Jump Street) graced us with his presence as a U.S. Capitol officer, John Cale, who is determined to impress his little girl, Emily, who was played by Joey King (Crazy, Stupid, LoveOz The Great And Powerful). He gets an opportunity to do so when he gets meet Jamie Foxx's (Django UnchainedLaw Abiding CitizenThe Soloist) character- the President of the US. The lovely Maggie Gyllenhaal (Mona Lisa SmileThe Dark KnightHysteria) also starred in this film as the workaholic Carol, who was a part of the Secret Service and assigned to the President's detail.

More Info: White House Down was directed by Roland Emmerich and the script was written by James Vanderbelt (The Amazing Spider-Man; The LosersZodiac).

So, if you fancy watching a movie with a lot of action sequences, a few heartfelt moments and a President with an amazing shoe collection, this is for you.

Till next time!

 Luv, Mo
