

This month is filled with a ton of cinematic gems that I hope I do get to see at least one of them whilst they are in cinema. For those of you who don't know, this series is one where I share the things that have me on the edge of my seat in anticipation. This time we shall be talking about films. Let's hop to it. 

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You know me, nothing like a good ol' period drama to get a whopping big smile on my face. And one with Kate WinsletStanley Tucci(?!?!), Helen McCrory and Alan Rickman? Count me in. I have a feeling that the landscape in this film is going to be as much a characters as those portrayed by the cast for this film. It is to be released in the UK on the 17th of April so, if you feel this too is right up your street check out the trailer here and mark the date in your diaries.

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I don't even think I have to explain why this is on my list. All I will tell you is that it is out in cinemas on the 23rd of April and you can check out the trailer here. And for those of you who haven't seen Avengers and may be put off because its a MARVEL film with superheroes gallivanting around don't be; the dialogue between the characters has a strong chance of tickling you silly.  At least consider giving it a go.

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For the long time WML readers it will come as no surprise that this film has made this list. My post on Fast & Furious 6 is still one of my most read posts of all time. I was supposed to watch this when it came out in cinemas on the 2nd of April but couldn't quite bring myself to. Brian O'Conner is one of my favourite characters from this franchise and knowing what we know about Paul Walker well... I know I am going to need a whole stack of tissues so I'd rather watch it when the cinema isn't too packed. If you would like to see the trailer, you can do so by clicking here.

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Now, Ryan Gosling kind of disappeared for a while but it looks like he is back and wearing a different hat. He has taken on the role as the director for this film and I am intrigued to see how this film turns out. With the cast that it has I am sure it will be an interesting watch. Christina Hendricks is just plain awesome in my books. And Saoirse Ronan? Have you seen Hanna?Talk about an actress on the 'One to Watch' list. This has been out in cinemas since the 10th of April so if you too are curious about what this film entails feel free to check out the trailer or just bite the bullet like I will and go in blind.

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Romantic comedies will always have a special place in my heart and I have a feeling I am going to enjoy this one. Mae Whitman (ParenthoodThe Perks of Being A WallflowerArrested Development) is actress whom I trust to give a give a great performance whatever the temperament of her character so I cannot wait to see this. This film was released on the 6th of April so if you want to know more, feel free to check out the trailer here

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There are quite a number of films out this month that have caught my eye so I thought I'd give some honourary mentions - The Last Five Years, The Good LieGlassland and Child 44. These have also been added to my never ending watch list. Last month I did not quite make as many trips to the cinema as I would have liked but I did see quite a few that I will be sharing my thoughts on in the coming weeks. Let me know what your thoughts are on the movies you have watched this month be it old ones or new ones.

Mo x