

Almost at the halfway point of 2015 and I still cannot quite believe it. To say I dropped the ball these past few months writing wise is putting it mildly. I am sure I have said this before, maybe not in writing, but I am in awe of all those writers/bloggers/creatives out there who are holding down a 9 am - 5.30 pm job and have families to look after but still produce and publish good quality content whilst still having a life. My goodness you are all inspirational. I commend all your hard work and look forward to joining your crew soon. But for now, lets see what April and May brought my way...

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I hate to say it but not much happened in April bar attending a few amazing birthday dinners. For the past two months work has been quite overwhelming and I have been struggling to keep up with things. That is not to say that I have not had blissful days, I just had more thrown on my plate and I have been learning to readjust to the new weight. It is funny to think how panicked I was when I thought I could not meet all my deliverables by the specified deadline and was genuinely surprised when I did meet objectives. Yes, there was an ever so slight dip in the quality of my work but it did not cripple me like I envisaged it would. I underestimate my capabilities a lot and it is something I am currently working on. June has presented me with a similar workload to last month and I have noticed how more relaxed and efficient I am now having been through the hoops April and May made me jump through. It is nice not feeling like I am constantly drowning.

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Balance is something I crave for daily but sometimes do not quite achieve. The time I spend working on creative projects is currently at an all time low and I am determined to change that. I cannot remember the last time I picked up my camera and went for a little photography session. I cannot remember when I last sat down and dabbled with creative writing and produced something that was worth sharing. And all that is going to change. If these past couple months have taught me anything is that I can accomplish things that I put my mind to when I bring order to the chaos. So, I am bringing back an exam revision time favourite - timetables with to-do lists for each category. Not promising that  I am going to stick to this but I am willing to try it out and see if it yields positive results.

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My exercising routine leaped outta my living room window and went on a sabbatical. Let's just say words were said and it is only now that the dust has settled and we've agreed to work on our relationship. And to do that we've employed the help of a counsellor called Kayla Itsines. She has assigned us some homework which we have agreed to complete and ace it. I will keep you updated on that. Food wise, my eating habits have not really changed all that much. I recognise the strong importance of having a balanced diet which includes the presence of custard cream biscuits and the occasional pizza/Chinese takeaway/ burger meal. And I think that is the most import thing...

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Faith is a magical thing. Belief that things will work out for the best when the situation is clearly out of your control is not easy but it is oh so powerful. My life is nowhere near as complicated and dire as sadly some people's are but I do have my own battles I am fighting. Some successfully and others not so much. However, with every difficulty and victory God has remained by my side; though there are days when it does not feel like it. And it is days like that where your faith needs to be at its peak. Faith in the fact that He is there for you to lean on whenever you need Him. It will not only give you a solid foundation to steady your feet on, it will also better your posture and make it easier to hold your head high above the problem you are facing and step one foot in front of the other. And it is easy to forget this and dwell in the cloud of negativity which is is why it is good to find someone you trust to talk about the things weighing on your heart be it your diary, family or friend - even if you are very vague about the actual problem - because they just might be the very thing to boost your faith supply and get you back in the game. Here is to reveling in the magic of faith: 

*clinks glass of ice cold water with you because the weather is that warm now*.

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I am so glad I have finally been able to publish this post regardless of how late it is. I hope you are all having a great day and I'll catch you in the next Life Edit post.

Mo x