

It may be laughable that I am only just getting round to taking a good hard look at what October brought my way and sharing those moments on here but I do not care. It is my favourite month of the year and I am going to honour it. So, without further ado here is my October 2015.

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October started off with me celebrating the 3 years that WML has been up and running. I love this space of mine and absolutely love seeing how it has mutated from being a cousin to a hair journey blog to now a heavily sharing-stories-and-experiences focused blog. It has been fun to say the least. Having the opportunity to interview the producer of E4's hit show Chewing GumKelly McGolpin, for example was fantastic as was the chance to get to know some of the cast of HOME's production of The Oresteia a little better. Funnily enough it was on my 25th birthday that I interviewed Hedydd DylanDaniel MillarRonkẹ Adekoluẹjo and Gary Shelford which seems so long ago now. I remember feeling so incredibly me that day that I was not as nervous as I usually am when I sit in front of someone who is essentially a stranger to me and bombard them with questions I am keen to know their answers to. And that felt so great and empowering that I knew I made the right call when I gifted myself a trip to Portugal for being on this earth for a quarter of a century.

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As much as I would love to tell you that I was so empowered by my well-timed act of self love that I decided to immerse myself in the lands of the Portuguese by myself, that was certainly not what happened. I roped my sister, Kari, into joining me which as you would expect took little to no convincing. We spent 3 glorious days and 2 nights exploring as much of Lisboa as we could and I will definitely be going back there in the future. In the days leading up to the trip I was completely elated. Nothing brought me down from that cloud I was on, not even the stresses of the job or life. I was in my element. And whilst my sister and I were there, taking in the sights, sipping on fresh orange juice and taking our first bite of a Pastel de nata, I did truly feel at peace which is sadly been a state of mind that expertly escapes me from time to time as it does with most of us. Standing on a sandy beach for the first time in over a year, allowing the icy cold water wash over my feet which, with each tide, eradicated any doubt and fears clogging my brain and heart felt so incredibly good that I am finding it difficult to put into words. Knowing and feeling that your feet are firmly on the ground are two different things and I will tell you now that acknowledging the support the earth gives you day after day can be extremely comforting.

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Speaking of comfort, I realised that journaling brings me great comfort as well. I have always had a diary or journal of some sort for as long as I can remember but it is not something that I have stuck with religiously. I would have short bursts of chronicling my journey in this lifetime but it was never continuous. However, etching my thoughts on paper and making sense of my internal dialogue and frustrations and ideas and bad jokes is something that I have been doing consistently for a few months now and I must say it does help me a lot when those days of gloom roll round; that and prayer and yoga and tea and painting (badly) of course. I surrender all forms of pretence and am completely myself; honouring all the states of mind I find myself in and tackling them one by one is immensely freeing. I realise that I may sound a little nutty but that is ok. October helped me see past layers of myself and through the walls that I had put up around me  a little better and for that I am grateful. I can only hope that it brought you some clarity and sense of calm.

Mo x