

October is a month I most look forward to. A reason could be the fact that I was born in October many smiles ago but it is more than that. The cold air creeps in like a naughty child trying to get on your good side again. And though its warmth does not quite reach you always, the sun does still shine bright.  But that does not mean October is devoid of warmth. Rather the opposite. Coats, jumpers, steaming bowls of soup and radiating mugs of tea swoop in regularly to take over from the service summer's heatwaves offered making sure we are ready to appreciate some Autumn magic. Like watching the leaves change colour or fall in a manner unique to each one, decorating the pavements and making walking with your head held low all the more fun. October. Two years ago, during one of my most stressful years at uni, I decided to pluck up the courage to finally start a blog and share my words with whoever stumbled upon my little virtual baby. Am I glad I did it? Heck yeah!  I guess this is yet another reason why I love me some October.

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Yeah, so I am not even going to pretend- I did not make those

Two years... To be honest I am not at all surprised I am still here haha. Writing has always been some sort of escape for me and this blog gives me the perfect excuse to carry on doing what I love. This past year has been one steep learning curve. It was my first year as a graduate which meant that I flirted with, what I call, the "start of life crisis" and really came to terms with the word independence. But I believe I have handled it well so far and will let you in on a few things that have been going on sometime down the road. In terms of WML, the focus this last year was predominately entertainment. I am not quite sure how that happened but it is fun to see how my interests morph month after month.

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This blog has seen me navigate some uncharted waters and has definitely coaxed me out of my cocoon (read:comfort zone). Whenever there is something I want to do but scared to do it, this blog has somehow given me the confidence and another reason to just do it. And this has led to me meeting some really cool people and finding out about some really interesting events that take place here in good ol' Manchester. One thing I was really pleased that I did was taking part in the Tori's Quotes series in July which is run by Tori of Tori's Tales - you should check out her amazing & inspiring blog if you haven't before. It was such a fun and thought-provoking piece to write and I had a glimpse of what it means to be a part of the blogging community. I also attended a BAFTA Crew Masterclass on Editing with Mark Sanger, who worked on  films like GravityAlice in Wonderland and Children of Men, and a Q&A session with Diego Quemada-Diez, the director of the very touching film, The Golden Dream. And more recently, I was given a chance to take a sneak peek of HOME's adaptation of Romeo & Juliet and interview some of their creative team members. All of this has not only fueled my dream of wanting to know more about how performance projects are produced and the people behind them, it has definitely given my inner creative a right kick up the backside.

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I am intrigued to see what is going to happen in this next year. I would love to get to know readers of WML a lot more, collaborate with other bloggers - if you are interested, give me a shout via email, twitter or leave a comment below!- and really sink my teeth into the technical aspects of film-making - I don't think this comes as a surprise to those of you who have been reading my posts for a while. I also want to really up my creative writing and photography game. Oh, and hair care is definitely making a comeback this year ;). I still have no idea where this blog is going but I love that. Here is to many more posts on this sliver of the internet that I call mine. Thank you all so much for your support for however long you have known about my blog and I look forward to getting to know you all a lot better!

Mo x