

Last weekend was exactly what I needed. It was filled with sunshine, trips to town, delicious but-not-so-healthy food and yet another trip to the cinema. This time I went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier with my sister. If you are anything like me I advise you watch Captain America: The First Avenger and/or Avengers Assemble before you go see this to refresh your memory as I was a bit confused as to who everyone was. I believe the following question escaped my lips at one point and was whispered into the ear of my sister who was sat next to me- "Who is Steve Rogers?". But no matter, I figured it out in the end haha

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For those of you that are not hardcore Marvel fans - I can't say that I've read a single Marvel comic -Captain America: The Winter Soldier is about Steve Rogers' attempt to adjust to life as a 21st century guy and form trusting relationships with those around him after the memorable "meeting" between Loki, the Chitauri and planet Earth. The gripping, action-packed screenplay put together by Christopher Markus (Thor: The Dark WorldCaptain America: The First Avenger), Stephen McFeely (Thor: The Dark WorldCaptain America: The First Avenger) and Ed Brubaker (Captain America: The Winter Soldier) was both witty and fast paced, brought to life under the commendable  direction of Anthony Russo (CommunityHappy EndingsYou, Me and Dupree) and Joe Russo (CommunityHappy EndingsYou, Me and Dupree). Despite the fact that I was bugged that I couldn't remember the last movie, I was thoroughly entertained by this film. As you would expect from a Marvel movie the chemistry between the cast was spot on, the fight scenes were impressive, the costumes were slick and the lines were hilarious. 

Speaking of the cast, if you ever needed inspiration to put on your running shoes or have 2 packets of crisps a week instead of 5 look no further than the actors within this movie haha. But on a more serious note, the cast of Captain America: The Winter Soldier was an interesting mix of key characters from Captain America: The First AvengerThe Avengers and burst of new faces. Sam Wilson, a former soldier who was fortunate enough to have a "run in" with Steve Rogers, was one of the new characters we were introduced to and he was played by Anthony Mackie (The Fifth EstateGangster SquadMan On The Ledge). Fans of Revenge will be excited to see Emily VanCamp's (RevengeBrothers & SistersEverwood) appearance in this film. And with most Marvel movies, the cast is coloured with great veteran actors. This time around Robert Redford (The Company You KeepLions for LambsThe Clearing) joins Samuel L. Jackson (Django UnchainedUnthinkablePulp Fiction) as Alexander Pierce, the head of the World Security Council. The Black Widow a.k.a Natasha Romanoff, a fierce and highly skilled former KGB agent, was played by the lovely Scarlett Johansson (Avengers AssembleWe Bought A ZooThe Other Boleyn Girl). And Chris Evans (PunctureFantastic FourPush) reprised his role as Captain America a.k.a. Steve Rogers, the hero that is not only incredibly strong but also very loyal, smart and caring. And now, having watched the CA: The First Avenger again, the series of events that took place in this film now makes a whole lot more sense but has also left me with a lot more questions. Cannot wait for the next installment! - this has to happen lol.

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If you are looking for something to watch that is filled with action, suspense, humour and heart then look no further than Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  I can only imagine what watching it in 3D must be like. Oh! If you do decide to see it please, please, PLEASE (!!!) stay until the very end. There are two bonus clips at the end. Yup! TWO. You are welcome ;) 

Mo xx