
The Hairs of Today

Well, where do I begin?

I started my "hair journey" back in January this year and lets just say...not much has happened. I have read blogs, watched months worth of youtube videos and practically have my own haircare product shop with all the bottles of "stuff" that I have acquired since then. I just want to be able to take care of my own hair. That's all. It shouldn't be too hard right?
My hair. Relaxed hair. Natural hair. Afro Hair. Hair. For the past 10 months I have been obsessed with hair and how to take care of my own. I have heard and believed most of the myths that have been floating around the "afro hair community" for as long as I remember. It wasn't until I spent a good 20 mins contemplating if the hair of the girl sitting across the table from me one day, many moons ago, was her's or weave. It just looked too...real to be weave but then it was past her shoulders so it had to be a weave...right? Nope. It was her's alright. I just had to ask her. And it was thick as well. I proceeded to ask her a bunch of questions about how she managed it. Like, she had just discovered how to eat a ton of chocolate and not add any weight without doing exercise. I was amazed to say the least.

Long, healthy, thick hair on a black girl that wasn't weave...Yep, that took some getting used to. So, I immediately made a mental note try to get my hair to be as long as I wanted it to be. It wasn't until last August that I found a decent salon to trust with my hair. I went in and asked the lady if she could trim my barely neck length hair. She laughed and then said, 'You meant cut'. And I was like, 'No, I mean how much would it be to trim my ends?'.Now, I didn't know much about split ends or the difference between breakage and shedding but that all changed that fateful day. I also found out the price list for good salons smh. When I left I didn't know if the tears in my eyes were of pain or joy.The pain from seeing my hair being cut or joy from seeing my hair being actually healthy and weave-like.

Being a student, she knew that I would not be frequenting her work place that often so she gave me a few tips to take care my hair properly at home. I tried it out for a couple of months and I was seeing some results. So, I then knew what my new year's resolution would be:

To have long, healthy and thick relaxed hair.

And so the obsession began. Fast forward 10 months, 30+ half-empty haircare products, multiple seasons of breakage and shedding and here we are. My blog. My hair diary. My way of tracking exactly what I do with my hair. My last resort before I hop on the "Lets go natural train"- now that is another post entirely. This post was just an intro. The real journey to find out what is within my locket at this point in time has just begun.
Was that too cheesy a line?

Luv, Mo xx

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