
Hair Woes

Oh my days!!

My hair is testing my patience and this is a quality I am trying to work on lol. Over this winter period my hair has decided to grow some balls and change its usual behaviour. Its like I'm now a mother without having gone through the labour pains....or I am going through the pains and instead of it taking 9 months for me to experience the joys of motherhood it is taking a lot longer. 

Problem 1: I can't see my scalp
I know people have serious problems and you are all probably rolling your eyes at me but this is a serious problem. I try to jazz up my hairstyles by attempting to have side-sweeping fringe or whatever but as soon as I make the line it disappears!! Its like I never spent the past 5 mins detangling my hair to show off the 1st 2 cm of the side-parting. It is down right ridiculous. I mean, I know I wanted thick hair but jeez! I can't wait to relax my hair. But even that doesn't really solve the issue because now, when I relax my hair for the recommended time, my new growth only softens up a little but is still...full? I dunno...I guess I just have to work with it lol. I don't even know why its bugging me that much tbh. I never used to worry about how much scalpage I had until now (yes, I did just write scalpage). Its probably like the time I gave up bread for Lent a couple years ago and kept on drooling over and craving the subs at Subway; bear in mind that I had never been to Subway. All that changed after Lent haha.

Problem 2: Detangling is a right bee with an itch
Dear me! I swear, the left front quadrant of my hair is prone to detangling more than the other parts of my hair. This is what I have discovered lol It takes an age to properly detangle just that section. Its like my hair doesn't understand that I have important things to do like:
  • Read my sometimes-boring engineering textbooks
  • Go on Facebook and stalk people for an unnaturally long amount of time
  • Catch up on my fave tv shows at the moment
  • Read novels
  • Pretend I'm spiderwoman after watching The Amazing Spiderman etc. 
Each strand feels like it is its own work of art and sometimes I just yank that comb through. Which brings me to my next problem.

Problem 3: My scalp is apparently now sensitive
Now, this was a new development that came to light about 6 months ago. I started reacting to things a lot more e.g. combing my hair. Now, as you have seen above, I am not that patient but that always used to be the case so I don't understand why when I am finger detangling, and come across a tangled section of hair and just break the strand, it hurts a lot more. Maybe I have destroyed my pain threshold...I dunno lol.

Problem 4:My hair has mega looooooow porosity
Have you ever experienced that thing when you see someone scratching themselves then you automatically start scratching yourself too because you have somehow convinced yourself that your itching all over? Yeah, well I think my hair does that too lol. I carried out the porosity test 2 months ago:

Get a glass of water and plop a full strand of hair (i.e. not a broken strand) and place it in the water. If the strand floats on top then your hair is not able to absorb moisture (has low porosity). If it sinks to the middle then your hair strand has the preferred level of porosity. If it sinks all the way to the bottom then your has is very porous and absorbs too much and might not have the capability to retain that moisture.

Now, you can imagine my disappointment when I saw the water molecules trying to expel my hair from the glass...ok, that might be a slight exaggeration but you get my point. Ever since I found out it seems my hair refused to absorb anything. Not even water smh. I was not impressed. Although, now its not too bad but that is mostly because I have completely ignored it for the past 2 weeks. Came home for Christmas and found out that I forgot to bring my haircare toolbox. Mega fail lol

Problem 5: Parts of my hair strands don't like each other
In other words, breakage is one experience that doesn't want to let me go. I won't go into too much detail as most of you know all about this particular problem. I guess the yanking of the comb through my hair most likely does not help matters lol but it happens even when I am on my best behaviour. The rate of breakage has decreased greatly since this time last year but I want to minimise it even further. I really wish I could find a way to optimise my haircare regime using a computer program that only took me a year to design and develop. One can dream hehe

Ok, so I have combated part of my hair problem by identifying 5 major aspects of the big problem. What am I going to do about it? Finish reading The Science of Black Hair, relax my hair, be patient and watch Scandal and The Amazing Spiderman again :D  

This year is going to be the year of amazing results folks! Also, if you have any tips for me, please inform me.  I am here to learn as well as make you feel better about the state of your hair haha. 

Till next time!

Luv, Mo xx

Mo RayBeauty, Hair2 Comments