
Detangling Spritz

One of the best hair potions I have mixed so far!!!

As you may know from my 'Hair Woes' post, detangling is one issue I am trying to tackle. I was having a break from my revision and stumbled across a youtube channel called BlakIzBeautyful by Kinky Curly Coily Me!. It has occurred to me recently that I do follow quite a lot of naturals but I'm pretty sure the hair care tips are universal. As I was rummaging through her playlists, I found her DIY detangling mixture which can found here! It is so quick, easy to do and effective.

I just had to share this with you in case you have been having the same problem as I have when it comes to detangling your hair. I tend to detangle twice a week:
  1. I finger-detangle "dry" hair before I do my hot oil treatment and
  2. comb my hair after I deep conditioned it.
And I do not like how much hair I lose during the whole wash day. I mean, I do not really detangle/comb my hair throughout the week so, it could just be the 100's of shedded hair strands but I don't want to deceive myself lol. 

Today, I am going to wash my hair and do a protein treatment to try and restore strength in my hair strands and reduce breakage. I wanted to find new ways of detangling in order to minimise hair loss at each step within my hair regime. So, I decided to make my very own Detangling Spritz :D It consists of warm water, Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner, Grapeseed oil and Sunflower oil.

These are a few pictures of the state of my hair after I had applied my mix to my hair and detangled it. It was so easy to do and the whole process took about 10 mins :D You can hardly see my scalp due to my new growth and the fact that when I applied the spritiz and detangled, my hair went all soft and poofy haha. My hair has gotten so full over the last few months and I think it is mostly due to the JBCO that I use in my hot oil treatments and moisturising spritz. 

I am planning to do homemade hair potions. I might try making a deep conditioning hair masque from avocados and bananas :) We'll see. 

Till next time!

Luv, Mo xx