
Soulful Sunday: Hold On

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There are times when you are going through things that seem so hard that you may start to lose hope, faith and trust in people, God and unfortunately yourself. Trust me, I and many others have been there. You are not alone. It may feel impossible to believe that the situation you are in is for your good. How can it? You are suffering right?

 It takes a little faith, which will seem like a lot at the time, to believe that you will make it through. With that small step you could throw yourself wholeheartedly into seeking God and trusting Him to see you through because He does not allow us to be in situations that we are not capable of handling.

I get so frustrated at times to the point where I just draw away from everyone and listen to music, read books and/or watch movies that not only take my mind off the predicament I am in but also help me find solutions to my problems. I came across this song that helps me out during those times and I thought I would share it.

Just remember- "Your breakthrough is not far away

Although we should not remember to call on Him only in bad times. Through the valleys we've fallen down into and the mountains we have climbed, we should recognise all that He has done, all He is doing and all that is to come. It can be seen to be easier said than done but we can always try right? ;) 
A couple of verses that may give you something to think about are:

Tell me, how do you cope with those days that seem to test all your limits?
Till next time!

Luv, Mo xx
Mo RayLife Edit, Life2 Comments