
Geek Chic

This may seem weird to some of you but in my line of work, fashion and looking remotely feminine kind of takes a back seat sometimes especially when you are "out in the field". So, when I was given the opportunity to sift through a catalogue and pick a pair of safety boots for myself for the 1st time... ever(!), I was very  excited; I normally just get them handed to me in the size I require. Now, although there was a women's section in the catalogue, I still had to make a selection from the men's section as my feet are...well...not dainty (can feet be dainty? :/ lol). That is all I am prepared to say on that matter at the moment. One day soon I will disclose how I will never be that girl that blows her payslips on beautiful shoes.

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Given the fact that style was now definitely out of the question, I decided I might as well get a pair of boots that were made by a reputable brand. And I think Dr. Martens counts...right? :D. I am so happy with them. I could have gotten the classic Docs look but that pair did not have as many safety features as these bad boys did. Yes, as sad as it may be, I will choose practicality over aesthetics when it comes to safety I'm afraid *sigh*. I am planning to rock these with a pair of not-so-flattering coveralls next Tuesday for a trip down to the lab for some testing I gotta do... 

The life of a female engineer is so glamorous isn't it?

Mo xx