

Well, hello again! It is that time of the year when I finally hand over the keyboard to those of you who read this blog and get to know you all a bit more. I am humbled by the mere fact that people, other than myself and my family, read what I write on this ol' blog of mine time and time again and I have created this not-at-all-long survey to find out a few things about you lovely lot!

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I don't know if this is an odd time to be releasing a reader survey but I am glad I managed to figure out how to create one and actually did it. I don't know about you but procrastination is one thing I want to leave behind in 2014. This year is a year of being more disciplined... I hope. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Please find the link to the survey here or feel free to hit the button below! 

Click here to begin!

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Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill in the survey! I am looking forward to knowing you all better and finding out your thoughts on WML. I hope you have all had a great week so far! It is almost Friday which is a good thing but I guess we can't begin to wish our lives away already... thank goodness it is today!

Mo x