

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have had a fantastic time with your family over this festive period and feel completely refreshed and ready to tackle the days ahead. We all know that it is that time of the year where resolutions are made - some only to be sadly abandoned as the year rolls by and others to be fulfilled before the year is up - and I for one know there are a few goals I want to achieve and now is as good a time as any to lay the foundations.

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Looking back, last year was an okay year for me. It had its ups and downs but overall I would class it as a good one -ending it by devouring a box of Ferrero Rocher may have had something to do with pushing it into the Good Year pile. I began to step out of my shell, try new things and learnt to fully depend on myself. But I don't want to dwell on the past too much at the moment (though I know there is much to learn from it), rather I have decided to hit that reset button and give myself a clean slate. There is no room for beating myself up for past failures, instead I am choosing to acknowledge who I am right now, be happy with my progress so far, tackle my goals with enthusiasm and promise to get back up if I fall. I came across a quote recently whilst watching one of Shameless Maya's videos which gave me a much needed boost and some clarity on my future.

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I dunno... it may seem obvious to some of you but it really opened my eyes to new possibilities and led me to start thinking outside of the box and free myself from the chains that I had placed on myself that had been holding me back. By going back to the basic building blocks that make me who I am I was finally able to see a way out of the murky cloud of doubt that had enveloped me these past few months. I decided to try my hand at yoga at the beginning of December and that really kick started my return to who I am. And once I found the quote above in Maya's video, everything clicked into place. By giving myself a clean slate I finally felt free and strong enough to move forward and start moulding myself into who it is I am meant to be. Starting the days with a bit of Yoga and Pilates has done wonders for my inner balance and I look forward to sharing part of my progress on here.

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If you have created a list of goals that you want to achieve this year I wish you the best of luck and hope you tick off most of them if not all. I would love to hears some of your resolutions so please feel free to share them below. I mentioned in my last post that I will be hosting a readers survey to get to know you all a bit better and that will be going live on Thursday, 8th of Jan 2015. I would greatly appreciate it if you could find the time to fill it out. I am looking forward to reading your answers to the questions and building a stronger relationship with you all!

Once again, Happy New Year everyone!
