


For her first major acting role, Reese Witherspoon was amazing in this film. She acted as 14 year old Dani Trant, a tomboy who is a little obsessed with Elvis and gets the opportunity to put on her rose-tinted glasses. This was an oddly refreshing coming of age story riddled with laughter, tears, the different shades of love and tragic accidents.

The Man In The Moon  was directed by Robert Mulligan (To Kill A MockingbirdThe Pursuit Of Happiness) and written by Jenny Wingfield. It was released back in 1991 and I do have to say is sort of a timeless movie. I was so shocked by its ending as it has been a while since I've a seen a film like this where you are constantly surprised by the actions of characters. Sam Waterston (Law & Order) and Tess Harper (No Country For Old Men) took on the role of Matthew and Abigail Trant, respectively; the loving and understanding parents of Dani. Emily Warfield (Days Of Our Lives) played Maureen Trant, Dani's older sister who was getting ready for college and wondered about the reality of true love. Jason London  (Fatal Call) had the opportunity to play Court Foster, a teenage boy who is forced to take on the responsibilities of a man but unfortunately doesn't act like one in all aspects f his life.

This is definitely a movie to reach to when you are curled up up in bed on a nice summer's day with a glass of pink lemonade, popcorn and a packet of Haribos...or on whatever day you are having :)

Till next time!

Luv, Mo


P.S. For those of you who have watched it, are you team Dani or team Maureen?