When I listened to episode four of Elizabeth Gilbert's podcast Magic Lessons and Rob Bell, a pastor, writer and public speaker, was talking about people feeling trapped and not being able to visualise their future being drastically different from their present, especially when their present is not the bees knees, I was at work. I was at work completing an online course that held some sort of interest to me when I started it way back in February. Mind you, the course estimates you can complete it in less than a month. Yeah. Anyway, I was doing the course and feeling the usual Monday feels and listening to this man basically describe me and I started to tear up. It wasn't until I heard the rustling of papers to the right of me that the sudden realisation that I was at work, and surrounded by people I would rather eat mushrooms covered in cheese than see me cry, caused me to tug hard on the reigns of my tears and blink them back. So, naturally, I wanted to share this illuminating e-treasure-box with you as part of my Spotlight Series.
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I came across Liz Gilbert's book Big Magic on my travels across the beautiful and insightful Blog Plains whilst at my read-cation at Emma Gannon's great space Girl Lost In the City. As soon as I saw the the cover of that book I knew I just had to read her whole post - slowly. I made a note of it because not only was the author of Big Magic the author of a book that I love (Eat Pray Love) that was then made into a film that I adore, the title of the book resonated with me so much that I could not think of much else. Later that evening, after cleaning my laptop for the umpteenth time (If you are planning on getting a macbook let me tell you a little "secret", this thing attracts dirt like no other. My screen makes me want to vomit daily), I decided I need a laptop case and so off to Amazon I went. When I found the one and soon after discovered that Amazon no longer did free delivery for items over £10, I racked my brain to see if there was anything else I needed that was at least £7 to tip me over that £20 hurdle so that I could kill two birds with one stone and get my free delivery (I am sure Amazon's marketing team are overjoyed). And then, it floated into my mind; all majestic and all knowing. That beautiful cover of the new book of the author that is the same author who wrote a book that I love - Eat Pray Love - that was then made into a film that I adore. I popped it into my basket, grinning from ear-to-ear because not only was I getting the book, I was getting it for half-price and it will be delivered to my work place - my post box is not the most reliable of post boxes - which I think is a perfect place to crack open that book. During lunch of course... Anyway, I figured in the meantime I would have a quick look on the internet for any interviews she's done recently and that is when I discovered this podcast and that episode I briefly described earlier became but one of 12 episodes that had some sort of powerful effect on me.
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If you are in some sort of rut or pool of creative stagnation or you feel trapped or hesitant to create something that has always been gnawing at you then maybe you need to have a listen to the stories, lessons and terrific quotes Liz Gilbert and her insightful friends share whilst discussing some magic lessons. There is one Rumi quote that she shared - I think it was in the second episode - that I will end this post on as it created a somewhat childlike image that sparked a little creativity in me.
“What you seek is seeking you”
Mo x