


* Cue Sunshine Anderson’s Heard It All Before *

Ok, ok, ok -

Yes, you and I both have played the fool before. My grand declaration about my commitment to learning to draw for my The Storyboard project? Yeah, that’s proven to be a sham if my current drawing skills are anything to go by as they’re still non-existent. And that’s not because I wasn’t ready to jump into this new project, I just simply didn’t learn how to draw.

However, a positive outcome from this shit-show-of-a-year is that it’s now disengaged my grip on fear for an undefined length of time and I’m maximising this carefree outlook on life for as long as I can - this includes my embracing failing at things I care about because we all know that’s where the learning truly begins.


But like what does this actually mean?

Well, I’ll be starting with this Skillshare Workshop by Brooke Glaser and this Udemy course to begin with. I’ve already gotten over my ‘I can’t defile this sketchbook with' trash drawings’ fear so we’re good to go on that front.

I’ve also incorporated spending time on these courses into my weekly planner: 1 hr, every Saturday to begin with as we all know I’m not about to be drawing every day right off the bat. Been there and not done that. Having said that though, Inktober is coming up and I would like to use that as a challenge to make drawing regularly a habit.

As I’m learning the fundamentals, I will continue to appreciate the works of my favourite artists and learn as much as I can from them too. I am a little worried that my taking this seriously will dampen the joy I get from playing with lines and colour but I know deep down inside the joy I’ll get from translating the many ideas I have in my head on paper will be worth it.

Is there anything you’ve decided to finally do? Let me know and we can keep each other accountable.

P.S. I love watercolour and gouache, in case you were wondering, and plan to eventually use them in my work.