

Two weeks ago I made a highly overdue trip to Leeds to see some very important ladies in my life- my sister and  two of my best mates from sixth form. Needless to say, I had a fantastic time. Leeds is just under an hour away from Manchester on the train so made a mad dash to the station to catch the 5.46 pm train to Leeds from work to get there at a decent time. T'was the best decision I could have ever made as it meant that I had enough energy to embark on the mahooosive hike to my sister's flat. I swear I probably lost a kilo or 3 in the process. I mean, I mostly walk everywhere - I can't drive nor can I be bothered to take the bus - but Manchester is pretty flat in comparison to Leeds. So, it was the close to 90 degree incline that almost all the roads in Leeds have that killed me, not the actual distance. But anyway, I was glad that I was able to have a much needed face time with the sis which involved a lot of talking, TV show watching, chomping on pizza, ice cream and cheesecake...

*  *  *  *

The next day I made my way to the Leeds Art Gallery using the hand-drawn map my sister gave me and met up with my best mates Rach and Luna! It was so surreal meeting Luna again after 6 years. SIX YEARS! Although, once we finished hugging each other and I had caught my breath from the walk it was like no time had passed at all. After grabbing a cuppa at the cute cafe in the art gallery - I didn't see a single painting whilst we were there :/ - we made our way to Bagel Nash to have some lunch and part two of our catch-up session. I had never been to Bagel Nash so was completely blown away by the perfect balance between healthy food and sweet treats. I opted for the Mexican chicken wholemeal bagel and found it rather yummy. I am not a big fan of cheese (Lucy- it is honestly the truth :P) so next time I will ask for that not to be added as things got a bit messy when I tried to scrap it off lol.

After chin-wagging for quite some time we made our way to Victoria Quarter - a rather lovely shopping centre in Leeds - to have a little nosy round the shops. We popped into  L'Occitane and was offered a  refreshing glass of rose which we gladly took to wash down our bagels with. We then headed back to Rach's for dinner, a bit of Miranda and even more jisting. Six years is a lot to get through...however, I really didn't have that much to say as always - it's always like this with me. I'm sure compared to a lot of other people my life may seem a bit boring but I'm not particularly upset with how I've spent my time on this earth. I just haven't done that many things that are out of the norm is all. Or shall I say it takes a while for the wheels in my memory generator to start churning before I remember what I've been up to. And this is why I love this little blog of mine. Even though I may not be doing/ have done "big tingz"  that will easily spring to mind during conversations, I can at least remember the little things that actually really matter too, like a trip to Leeds to meet up with my girls, along with the big things as my memory ain't too hot hehe.

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I never thought I would say this but I am so glad that I spent that weekend in a room other than my own. It was exactly what I needed and I can't wait to do it again!!

Where have you been lately?

Mo xx