January Exams- DONE!!
I am over the moon and gravity ain't got nothin' on me! :D
I cannot explain how relaxed and free and happy etc I am right now. I feel liberated. Like I have just done something extraordinary. A marathon. Sadly, this is not the case. I have only just finished my last set of January exams...I pray lol. And now, I have caught a bug that I have been trying to shake for the past couple of days. It took a hold of me so bad yesterday that I had to stop revising for about 2 hours just to regain some sanity. What is this bug you might ask. Well, I'll tell you.
It's the writing bug.
The main aim of this blog was to pluck up the courage to have people read my stuff, learn to take criticism and learn more about myself as a writer...well, a wannabe one anyways lol. I thought I'd play it safe and start off writing about something that I have been boring my friends with for too long- Hair. But now, I am ready to share my "work".
I shall be releasing bits and pieces of my 1st attempt at writing a short story. Those who know me well will understand how hard it is for me to write a short story as I have about 5 unfinished books resting in peace on my hard drive.
Please, bear in mind that I wrote this whilst I was meant to be revising Computer Aided Process Design- a very stressful module... "be gentle with me" haha!
Luv, Mo xx