
Soulful Sunday: Loved Lovers Loving Others

Happy Sunday everybody!

I thought I would take this opportunity to share the message I heard this morning when I went to church. 

Last year, when most of my friends graduated from uni and moved back to their respective homes, I would have a debate in my head about whether or not I should go to church mostly because I did not know anyone at church anymore and how I was too shy to make a new friends. Whenever I did pluck up the courage to go, I would look around the congregation nervously until the worship team started their thang. Mmm! The music is always so uplifting and catchy... and sung by people who are genuinely happy to be praising God at that point in time; I always lose myself in the melody and the words confessing our love for God. Then comes the sermon/message/talk/sign or whatever you want to call it. You sit down, pull out your bibles, phones and/or tablets (for those with those trusty bible apps) and wait for the moment where you have to show your mads kills at finding the book in question without looking at the contents page (I am still crap at this). The way the speaker would interpret the bible always had me thinking, umm-ing and ahhh-ing, laughing and/or crying by the end of it. And I would be grateful for making the decision to drag my big behind out of bed and into a building full of people eager to know more about the Lord and find solace in whatever form it presents itself. 

Today is yet another Sunday that I am grateful for making the decision to drag my big behind out of bed and into a building full of people eager to know more about the Lord and find solace in whatever form it presents itself  :) The speaker spoke about how our journey through life should include/be about our quest to seek God's heart whilst opening up our own for Him to pour out His unconditional love into it so that:
  1. we may see the world anew;
  2. love ourselves and others; 
  3. and do what we were born to do. 
The two versus that this message was based on are:

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it"- Proverbs 4:23

"Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will"- Romans 12: 2

What I took from this was that we are meant to ensure that our mindset is in line for what Gid has in store for us and make sure that our hearts are pure and true; filled with His perfect love so that we are aware of how truly great we are and capable of doing God's will.

The one thing that did stand out for me today is when the speaker said,

"Our life is a reflection of our hearts. Give Him access to your heart which is an incubator for all your hopes, dreams, feelings, beliefs etc for Him to garden. Your heart is the well spring of your life ". 

Now, I want this year to be a year of change for the better; to love myself for who I am and work with what I've got. If that means allowing God to know all of me and fix whatever is broken, uproot whatever is nasty and grow seeds of His love within my heart for me to become the best version of me in order for me to be well equipped to figure out my destiny (if that is at all possible lol) and fulfill it, then that is what I want. 
Today was a day that I was reminded to try my best to know God and improve my relationship with Him by talking to Him, worshiping Him, researching Him a.k.a reading His word and above all, being willing to open my heart to Him and trusting Him.

Sorry if this post is quite long. I tried to break it up with pictures haha. I just thought that I would share the few lessons that I have learnt today so that you can read, reflect and decide what it is that you want out of life and go get it.

Till next time!

Luv, Mo xx
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