

I am so happy to be doing one of these again. I have quite a few movies to share with you but I thought I would be "explosive" and start off this month's 'Movie Mondays' series with my thoughts on the amazing 'Thor: The Dark World' movie.


As I mentioned in my previous post I went to see Thor 2 late Saturday night with my sister to save those pennies. Also, I figured it would be a little less packed. You'll be happy to know it was :)

So, what can I say about Thor 2?

I enjoyed every moment of it! The lines were hilarious. There were packages of raw emotions thrown out from time to time as well as some impressive action scenes. There were also a few guest appearances and a continuation of the good ol' sibling rivalry between Thor and Loki. But I won't say much more as I do not want to ruin it for those of you who have not seen it. My sister from another mister, Luigi, would class this movie as a "man film" which it kind of is but girls can totally find this enjoyable too. 

And for the love of McDonald's chips, please stay until the lights come on at the end of the movie. It's a Marvel movie guys! It pains me to see people walk out before they get to see the last few moments the movie makers decide to throw our way. Although, missing the last minute of the movie won't kill you as it doesn't take much convincing that the next time we see Thor, it will be even better than the last.

Seeing Idris Elba (Pacific RimPrometheusLuther), who played Heimdall (the guardian of Asgard) was great as always. The colour of his eyes in the film reminds me of Edward Cullen sometimes hehe. I love the colour. And someone needs to give the hair stylists, make-up artists and costume designers of this film several awards. Check out the intricate braids of the dark elf, Malekith. I would not mind learning how to recreate that. And I had no idea that it was Christopher Eccleston (Doctor WhoG.I. Joe: The Rise Of The CobraHeroes) that played him! He was completely transformed... to me anyways. And the gown Thor's mother, Frigga- who was played by Rene Russo (Yours, Mine And Ours)- wore was so beautiful that I felt like I needed it in my wardrobe. Although I do not know where I would wear it to hehe. Good ol' Jane Foster, who was played by Natalie Portman (Black SwanNo Strings Attached;Your Highness), graced us with her presence and I found her sliiiightly annoying. But what else is new? Natalie, on the other hand was as gorgeous as ever. I think she is a fantastic actress. Black Swan is a great testament to that. Loki was as nifty as ever. As most of you know, he was played by Tom Hiddleston (Midnight In ParisThe AvengersThor) and that man is a chameleon. I don't really like Loki. I mean he is smart and his sarcastic lines make me giggle but I just can't trust him you know? We do see more of his humanity in this film though, which chipped away at my dislike for him a little bit. 

Would it be a proper review of the movie without me mentioning Chris Hemsworth? Oh look at that, he has been mentioned. So let's talk about him shall we? He was alright. Not much to say really except that he is THOR! A god. A man who would lay down his life to save the people he loves along with the innocents, whichever realm or planet they are from. And to allow the girly girl in me to come out for a bit- he is veeeery easy on the eyes. His eyes are so...piercing blue! Ok, I will stop now. I do realise he is married... and a dad.

But he is also Chris Hemsworth ;-)

Movie Info: Thor 2 was directed by Alan Taylor (Game Of ThronesSopranosSex In The City) and the screenplay was written by a host of writers- about six. I would have loved to have sat in on their meetings as they brainstormed and produced the script for this movie.

Oh, and a word of advice, please check what is on the floor of the aisles before you walk down 'em because you could get a very nasty surprise like I did.

And they were my new boots too!

If you are looking for something to watch this week and Thor is on your list, I do not think you would be disappointed.

Till next time!

Luv, Mo 
